Kitchen Remodels

Sustainable interior design firms in los angeles
As the hub of the contemporary home, our kitchens are spaces for gathering and socializing, food preparation and sharing, and even for expressing our unique aesthetics. With thoughtful planning, they can also be models for environmental stewardship.
At CarbonShack Design, we believe kitchens offer the optimal opportunity for adopting low-carbon impact standards. From induction cooktop-ranges to heat pump hot water systems, reclaimed wood cabinetry to locally-produced ceramic tiles, our approach to kitchen design focuses on minimal environmental impact imbued with maximal beauty and comfort.

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Featured Project: Casa Zero
Casa Zero
Featured Project

Casa Zero

Our first CarbonShack. This house serves as a case study, a comprehensive prototype for a new definition of green building. By integrating principles of high efficiency, low-impact materials, and natural aesthetics, this house provides environmental solutions for the variety of issues that remain unresolved by conventional green design.
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