Bath Remodels
Are contemporary home bathrooms spaces of luxurious sanctuary, rejuvenation, wellness? Are they spiritual, inspirational? Or are they more for functional efficiency and routine? Perhaps they can be any and all of these things.
CarbonShack Design's experienced team of interior designers designs each bathroom to the specific needs and aspirations of our clients, always forefronting the wellness of body, mind, home and earth. From touchless faucets to low-consumption appliances, from heat pump water heaters to sustainably-sourced materials, we create bathrooms that optimize beauty while minimizing environmental impacts.
Featured Project: Casa Zero
Featured Project
Casa Zero
Our first CarbonShack. This house serves as a case study, a comprehensive prototype for a new definition of green building. By integrating principles of high efficiency, low-impact materials, and natural aesthetics, this house provides environmental solutions for the variety of issues that remain unresolved by conventional green design.
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